Inclusive Education

Inclusive Education: Learning, social, emotional and behavioural support
The purpose of the Inclusive Education: Learning, Social, Emotional and Behavioural Support special interest group is to transform practice through professional learning opportunities that feature leading practice and are evidence-led; a further goal is, where appropriate, to create research and/or research opportunities around particular problems of practice.
SIGs are committees of up to six individuals from within ECIS membership, who are active practitioners and experts in their core areas, whether subject-specific or interdisciplinary in nature.
The goal of special interest groups is to transform practice through professional learning opportunities that feature leading practice and are evidence-led; a further goal is, where appropriate, to create research and/or research opportunities around particular problems of practice.
SIGs maintain a digital presence throughout the year on social media, and are key stakeholders in organising professional learning opportunities in collaboration with ECIS, whether at one of our conferences or at a stand-alone special interest conference, offered on a schedule agreed to by the special interest group and ECIS.
Do you have 2 minutes to complete our survey about future conference content? This will help us to design and deliver professional learning experiences to support the specific needs at your school. Thank you in advance! COMPLETE SURVEY HERE
Feedback about our 2023 Conference @ACS Athens:
The message of the keynote speakers and the sessions that we were fortunate to experience inspired me to write a short article for International School Magazine (also here: as my thoughts on Differentiation and Inclusion all came together when I had the opportunity to really consider life in our schools for a physically or neurodiverse student.
Martha Ross, Inclusion Coordinator
International School Carinthia, Austria