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ECIS UDL Certification Programme for Curriculum and Instruction: October 2024 – March 2025

ECIS UDL Certification Programme for Curriculum and Instruction: October 2024 – March 2025

October – December 2024: Three virtual face-to-face sessions

December 2024 – March 2025: Reflection, feedback, and portfolio

The ECIS Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Certification Programme for Curriculum and Instruction is the first of its kind – intentionally designed to give international educators an immersive Universally Designed Learning experience. This 6 month Certification Programme will introduce the mindsets, skills, & practices in ways that will support every participant as they deepen their understanding of the framework, and develop as a reflective and strategic UDL practitioner.

Through hands-on learning opportunities, case study analysis, research review, discussions, ongoing actionable feedback, and opportunities to share and reflect with fellow learners, participants will gain the skills and insights necessary to design accessible, engaging, & inclusive learning, and learning environments by leveraging Universal Design for Learning.

The Objectives of the certification are to:

  • Explore the foundational elements of Universal Design for Learning – ensuring access for learners, the belief that all students can learn and achieve at high levels, and anticipating and embracing learner variability.
  • Engage in scholarly research review. Together, we will delve into the foundational research of UDL, research on the UDL principles, research on related practices, and research on implementation of UDL in a variety of contexts.
  • Encourage all participants to leverage the UDL mindsets, skills, and practices to design individual and collective learning to ensure access and agency for every learner.
  • Elevate UDL as an iterative design process that is strengths-based, goal-driven, & developed to amplify other learner-centered frameworks and inclusive pedagogical practices.
  • Express learning through the composition of a UDL portfolio composed of artifacts and contextualization to demonstrate the key mindsets, approaches, & application of the UDL design components.



Loui Lord Nelson

Loui Lord Nelson, Ph.D., is an internationally recognized Universal Design for Learning (UDL) leader, best-selling author, and podcaster. A former special education teacher, she led UDL implementation at the district level, was awarded her post-doctorate by CAST, has influenced change at the national level in the U.S., and has helped shift mindsets across the globe. Loui has worked with educators across the U.S., Africa, Australia, Asia, Canada, and Europe and recently completed work with USAID, the U.S. Agency for International Development, and implementing partners to clarify their application of UDL across low- and middle-income settings. More information about Loui and her work can be found at

Beth Stark

Beth is passionate about inclusive learning design and partners with international schools as a professional learning facilitator specialising in UDL implementation.She is dedicated to igniting inclusive inquiry for all learners and is the co-creator of LUDIA, the AI-Powered UDL thought partner, being used by educators in ninety seven countries, and counting. Beth has sixteen years of IB international school experience and holds a Master’s Degree in Special Education and a Certificate of International School Leadership from the Principals’ Training Center. She lives in Germany, and serves as the Co-Chairperson of the UDL-IRN Implementation Special Interest Group, is an ISTE certified educator, and a CPACC certified member of the International Association of Accessibility Professionals.

Be part of it!

The ECIS UDL Certification Programme aims to create an immersive, universally designed learning experience that supports the professional growth of all participants as reflective and strategic UDL practitioners.