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Middle Leader Café: Having Hard Conversations: 07 October 2024

Middle Leader Café: Having Hard Conversations: 07 October 2024

07 October 2024
16:00-17:00 (London)

Breathe deeply and know that who you are can withstand the experience of conflict that living requires.” – Mark Nepo

Facilitating hard conversations with colleagues is a reality for Middle Leaders consequently strategies are needed to manage these situations. By navigating hard conversations with their teams,  Middle Leaders promote effective communication and maintain a positive work environment. These skills help build trust among team members, resolve conflicts, and promote collaboration towards shared goals. Being able to address difficult topics professionally also fosters growth and improved performance within the team.

 Jennifer Abrams will provide “Tips for Middle Leaders” on how to navigate hard conversations to produce constructive outcomes. What are your questions for Jennifer? Please use this form to submit questions. This virtual session will be a “Q&A” method presented by Nancy Lhoest Squicciarini, Head of Middle Leader Certificate and during the session, questions submitted will be discussed.


Jennifer Abrams is an international educational and communications consultant for public and independent schools, universities and non-profits.

Jennifer trains and coaches teachers, administrators and others on new teacher/employee support, having hard conversations, collaboration skills and being your best adult self at work.

Jennifer has been recognized as one of “21 Women All K-12 Educators Need to Know” by Education Week’s ‘Finding Common Ground’ blog. She considers herself a “voice coach,” helping others learn how to best use their voices – be it collaborating on a team, presenting in front of a group, coaching a colleague, supervising an employee.

Jennifer’s publications include Having Hard ConversationsThe Multigenerational Workplace: Communicating, Collaborating & Creating Community and Hard Conversations Unpacked – the Whos, the Whens and the What IfsSwimming in the Deep End: Four Foundational Skills for Leading Successful School Initiatives, and her newest book, Stretching Your Learning Edges: Growing (Up) at Work.

