Intentionally Small Schools SIG: Child Protection and Safeguarding in Small Schools: 19 November
Intentionally Small Schools SIG: Child Protection and Safeguarding in Small Schools: 19 November
14:00-15:00 (London time)
Drawing from the UK’s contextual safeguarding framework, the work of the International Taskforce on Child Protection, and her own academic research, Leila Holmyard will share a provide a strengths-based framework for analysing a school community’s collective capacity to safeguard. The framework encourages us to build an understanding of our unique context, identify the strengths of our community, and seek opportunities to develop safeguarding. Participants will use the framework to consider the unique safeguarding challenges and opportunities of child protection and safeguarding in small schools.

Leila Holmyard has worked as an independent consultant since 2015, supporting international schools and organisations including the Council of International Schools, the United World Colleges and Faria Education Group. Leila previously taught in the UK, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam, and is now based in Germany at Frankfurt International School. Leila is currently pursuing a PhD in Education with the University of Bath focused on safeguarding in international schools. Leila provides international schools with safeguarding training and audits, specialist advice on complex cases, and support in the strategic development of safeguarding. Leila offers online supervision for safeguarding leads, which involves regular meetings for consultancy, wellbeing support and developing knowledge and skills.