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Diversity, Equality, Inclusion & Justice

Why we exist and what we aim to do

ECIS is deeply committed to promoting diversity, equity, inclusion and justice in our world.

The Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice (DEIJ) commitment of ECIS is completely aligned and integral to our work. ECIS aims to highlight best practices, direct to excellent teaching and learning resources, offer mentorship for all who wish to lead and engage in this work, and to promote and implement changes within international schools to conduct a self-study and work towards equal and just practices.

We understand the importance of embodying a desire to learn and combining reflective practice with a kind, curious, and caring approach to creating change in inequitable structures as educators. Working together with our DEIJ champions and carefully selected partner organizations, we provide support and resources to staff and students in our member schools and beyond. This contributes to our ongoing mission to create more just, compassionate, and sustainable societies.

Our goal is to create opportunities for educators and students to learn from each other. To achieve this, we offer mentorship programs that promote agency and self-efficacy. We are committed to creating a world where everyone is treated with dignity and respect, and has equal access to opportunities.

“With kindness and caring we will create mindful progress.”

Kam Chohan

Executive Director, ECIS

Our DEIJ Film