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Middle Leader Certificate: Curricular Design & Leadership: 21 & 28 March 2025

Middle Leader Certificate: Curricular Design & Leadership: 21 & 28 March 2025

Friday 21 March 2025: 09:00 – 14:00 London time with a 1 hour break.
Friday 28 March 2025: 09:00 – 14:00 London time with a 1 hour break.

NOTE: Participants are expected to attend both sessions.

Facilitated by: Nancy Lhoest-Squicciarini

At the centre of middle leadership is a commitment and desire to improve student learning. We know there are several factors that impact student learning and at the top of the list of school-related factors is a guaranteed and viable curriculum. For it to have real impact, it needs to be far more than just a piece of paper.

 This course unpacks the role that middle leaders play in driving the curricular vision of the school. Participants consider the key principles of effective curriculum design and implementation. They will consider how students learn, exploring the latest research in cognitive science and how this can support curriculum design and development.

 Participants will leave with a range of practical strategies and tools to ensure that the curriculum supports highly effective learning in their context.

Key questions:

  • How do vision and values drive curriculum design and development?
  • What are the key principles that underpin effective curriculum design?
  • How do students learn and how can this influence curriculum design and implementation?
  • What is the role of the leader in curricular design and development?